Balancing On Fast Moving Water : Inspirational Story as a Parent


Go baby go!

Weeks ago, Allah rezekikan that I found a surfing school and asked Tariq if he is interested to explore, Alhamdulillah! 🥰


He gave a definite and excited YES so we signed him up.🥳


And just within a few classes, Tariq is able to surf standing, moving back and front, left and right, do a yoyo and body roll, MashaAllah! 🤩


What rezeki it was for Tariq to learn this new skill.🥰


We always thought we had to take a 13-hours flight and travel 11,000 kilometres to Hawaii just for Tariq to experience surfing.🏄‍♂️🏄‍♂️🏄‍♂️


Never thought Tariq could experience this just 20 mins away from his grandpa’s house! 🏡


SubhanAllah, Allah’s Plan is definitely the Best of Plans, Alhamdulillah!💕


As I excitedly watched Tariq acquire new skill, I was more excited thinking about what is happening to his brain and muscles!


Basic fact is that the richer the knowledge base we have, the better it will be for us!


Coz learning new things literally changes the physical structures of our brain!🧠


When we stimulate the neurons in the brain, the brain will form more pathways.


The more pathways we have, the better it is for us.


As it will enhance our cognitive processes like problem solving and reasoning, InshaAllah!🤩


And how do we increase our knowledge base and make it richer?


- By reading and by experience!


And come to think of it, isn’t that the first word that Allah revealed to our beloved Prophet Muhammad SAW 1400 years ago?


Read! ❤️


…. instruct Allah to mankind thru His Messenger - our beloved prophet Muhammad SAW💖


SubhanAllah Alhamdulillah Allahu Akbar!❣️❣️❣️


As I sat there smiling looking at Tariq standing on the surf board, balancing on fast moving water, falling off the board, pushed by the water, stand up and try again and again and again, I cannot help it but feel very grateful.


Grateful for this wonderful rezeki from Allah to Tariq!💖


Alhamdulillah ya Rabb as many stars that You have Created for this beautiful gift for us!


MashaAllah he is surfing!!

Another Boy Roll!

Awesome Yo-yo sayang!!


Balancing on surf board!

Oppss Ouch!!

Slowly letting go of the rope… Balance sayang balance!

Slowly but surely
