Easy Win, Walk Over Win and Hard Win : Inspirational Story as a Parent

Last Saturday, Tariq competed in his first TKD Championship after more than 3 years.

And Allah has rezekikan Tariq to win 2 Gold Medals for Pattern and Breaking; and 1 Silver for Sparring, MashaAllah TabarakAllah, Alhamdulillah!!🤩🥳🥰🥋🥰

The day went by with lots of episodes and stories for Mama to remember.

There was easy win, walk over win, hard win for you. 🤩

And there was also a panicked moment for Mama when you came to me, with a guilty and weird face, whilst both hands gripping the center of your TKD uniform.🫣

Mama.., you called me nervously..

Yes, Sayang.., why are you holding your baju like that..?, I asked

… I ripped of my TKD Uniform zipper… I don’t know what happened…


Alhamdulillah, Allah ilhamkan Mama to remember that is an alteration shop at the Basement Level of the mall!!

So we rushed there, the Uncle tailor ripped out both zipper and skillfully sew a brand new one.

All less in 5 mins, MashaAllah!’🎯

Tariq, TariqBoleh koyak zipper TKD uniform dibuatnya..

Now Mama know that I need to bring a travelling sewing kit for all your events!!

Another memorable moment was went Tariq had to fight a Black Belt for his sparring and that experience was truly awesome for Tariq!🥋🥋🥋😱

And what makes Mama most proud of that your opponent was only able to score 2 points on you! Alhamdulillah!!

Well done, Sayang!!😘😘🤩🤩

You learn that day that no matter happened, even if your opponent scares the hell out of you, you just have to put up a brave front and face him.🫣😱

And that your rent for success, is due every single day of effort that you put in.🥰

Coz, at the end of that day, it is the journey that is important and that counts.

Because for the results,

… The result is always, will always be in Allah’s hands!🥰💕

Alhamdulillah ya Rabb!🥰🥰🥰

A super happy boy!

Alhamdulillah ya Rabb!!

Tariq with his Pattern

Thank you Uncle Tailor!!!

Tariq and his awesome Sir Naim!

Tariq sparring a Black Belt

A worthy opponent! Proud of you baby!

Waiting for his Sparring turn

What?? I have to fight a Black Belt?? Tariq already felt like pengsan

Awesome friends - Ael, Adam and Afiq!

His first medal for the day!

With awesome Senior Master Dwen!

Senior Master Dwen checking on his pattern

Quietly train by himself

Baba came!!

MashaAllah, well done sayang!!
