"I Don't Play Games At Home" : Inspirational Story as a Parent

 Sometime last year, Allah rezekikan Tariq took a free trial class for coding from a STEM Accredited Program, certified by a team of MIT and IIT Alumni; and has a pathway directly to Silicon Valley.

And after the one hour trial class, Tariq decided that he wanted to pursue this field of knowledge ❣️

A little bit strange coming from a child whose parents didn’t allow any games played at home!

Mama still remember how stunned your teacher was when in the very first class she asked what games you usually play at home, and you answered, "I don't play games at home!"😂

She must be dizzy thinking how to teach a child who doesn’t play games! 🧐

But fast forward one year later, Tariq received 3 Certifications for his Stage One and Stage Two Level, MashaAllah TabarakAllah!!🤩🤩🤩

Tariq now got his Certificate in Coding, Certificate in 3D design (Tinkercad 3d) and Certificate in Apps Development (Thunkable App), MashaAllah TabarakAllah!!🥰🥰

And Tariq also earned Top 10 Percentile for the Tunkable App Certification, MashaAllah TabarakAllah! 🥰🥰🤩🥳

What an achievement, sayang!!🥳

MashaAllah TabarakAllah!!💖

And as cherry on the icing, going into his 3rd and final level, Tariq was also offered partial scholarship due to his final score of 88.3%! 🥳

Alhamdulillah Allahu Akbar!🤩

Mama and Baba were so shocked when the scholarship offer came in!👩‍❤️‍👨

We were told there are 4 Scholarship places and you are offered one of the places!

Alhamdulillah ya Rabb!! 💕❤️💗

Words cannot describe our happiness, alhamdulillah! 🌟

Congratulations, sayang!!🌟⭐️💫

Keep up the passion you have seeking knowledge, Alhamdulillah!❣️

Keep up the drive and curiosity to know and learn new things, InshaAllah! ❣️

May the knowledge you gain be beneficial for mankind, brings you closer to Allah and earns His Pleasure, Aamiin!❣️

And May Allah continue to keep you in His Path as a Knowledge Seeker for His Sake, for that is, my dearest son, is the Path of Ibadah!❤️

Read, in the name of Allah your Lord ❤️❤️❤️
