Meaningful Celebration : Inspirational Story as a Parent


17th Ramadan 1441.

And Tariq turns 9 today, Alhamdulillah 🥰

We love celebrating Tariq’s birthday by the Islamic Calendar.

It is always much more meaningful.

The Blessed Holy Month of Ramadan.

Nuzul Al Quran.

Historical Battle of Badr.

And this year, we add Mother’s Day and Baba’s Birthday tomorrow 11th May 2020 too, Alhamdulillah...

Triple Celebrations, MashaAllah TabarakAllah.

You, Mama and Baba...

This MCO has made us appreciate and treasure every single blessing big and small around us.

... so which of the bounties of your Lord will you deny?...💕

Tariq so excited to cut his two tiered cake!

Birthday Boy and Birthday Man! 😂🥰

Family Photo😍

Sukanya dia!!!
