Begin The Day With Alhamdulillah - Inspirational Story as a Parent

Every night before he sleeps, I will always asked Tariq this question. When you wake up tomorrow, what do you say? He will always answer me with a smile, Say Alhamdulillah! Thank you Allah!... And I ask him why must you say Alhamdulillah? He will tell me, because if we say Alhamdulillah, Allah will give us more and more!!

Haha, yes Well, that's a 4 year old version of why we must always be grateful and be thankful to our Creator.

But what about us adults? Yes, we received uncountable gifts from Allah, day in day out. But sometimes with our selected memory and tendency of having ungrateful hearts, we focus on the gifts we asked and expected from Allah, BUT we haven't receive them yet. Perhaps from today onwards, we should behave like a child. 

A child just know Allah is Loving and will give us more and more. Wouldn't that make our heart dance a bit more with joy? Wouldnt that make our heart a little lighter and happier? Wouldn't that give us a boost of confidence to face the world? 

So let's begin our day with the word Alhamdulillah! And trust that Allah will give us more.. And what? Yes... And more! 💖
