As Salaamu 'alaykum and Peace To All Wisdom Thru Words Islamic Motivational Stories Blog Readers


As Salaamu 'alaykum and peace to all,

It has been quite a few months that I have been missing from posting my stories here on this Islamic Motivational Stories blog.

To everyone who has emailed me, poked me on Facebook and send me text messages; and even called me- I thank you all for your encouraging messages and understanding.

InshaAllaah, starting from this beautiful month of April, I will start posting again.

For a start, I am excited to announce that today, Wednesday, 8th April 2009 at 2pm (GMT -5) for the North Americans OR Thursday, 9th April at 2am (GMT +8)for the South East Asians, I will be appearing on a BlogTalkRadio in The Healing Hour Show by Baitul Salaam (, inshaAllaah.

So, dont forget to either log into your internet at The Healing Hour Show to listen or call in at 1-646-716-9850 to join in.

See you there, inshaAllaah!

Sis Zabrina


|nurhidayah| said…
Salam 'alaik Sis Zabrina.

Wondering maybe you remember me,knowing you when I read your books and we did message through facebook.

Coming from the same high school as yours,hope you remember.

It's good to know that you are going to write in the blog,it's been a long time since you didnt write in it.

Cant wait to read your entry.

Till then,salam~
Sis Zabrina said…

As Salaamu 'alaykum and peace to all,

Dearest Sis Hidayah, It is great to see you here. I think, inshaAllaah, i remember you. Hows things with you?

Yes, I am very excited to start posting again. And the season of Spring where new life is popping everywhere, is just simply perfect for me to do give our Life Storyteller Motivational Blog a new start, inshaAllaah.

Take care dearest, and jazakAllaah khayran for reading my blog and my books!

Hugs and Salaams
Sis Zabrina
D'Rimba said…
Ya Allah lamanya madam menyepikan diri. Jangan lupala tinggalkan jejak kat blog orang juga ya.
D'Rimba said…
Dah macam-macam orang tambahkan dalam blog orang tu. Sudilah kiranya madam jenguk sekejap ye. Terima kasih.....
|nurhidayah| said…
Bismillah and salam 'alaik

Sis Zabrina,alhamdulillah,i'm doing fine right now.

Waiting result from jpa scholarship,i'm taking medicine.

Hopefully i'll be selected.

Season of spring,how nice it is.
D'Rimba said…
Ya Allah, tadi baru sahaja saya dapat kunjungan seorang pakcik Cina Muslim memohon sedekah dari rumah ke rumah lehernya bertebuk suaranya hampir tiada hanya kedengaran suara angin. Saya cuba untuk mendapatkan nombor untuk dihubungi untuk dibagi kepada pihak berkaitan tapi tidak berjaya. Saya cuba tanya berkali-kali dan katanya tiada. Ya Allah saya sudah mencuba sedaya upaya untuk cuba membantu, mudahan dia dilindungi Allah dan dimurahkan rezekinya itu sahaja saya boleh harapkan sekarang ini. Asalnya Kedah saya lihat surat yang dibawanya.Allah Maha Besar....
Matt Herrick said…
A story (and a magazine, perhaps) that may interest you:
naqiubex said…
I've missed my train stop reading sis Zabrina one of a kind book...