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As Salaamu 'alaykum and peace to all,
The Story of Two Seas - A Motivational Story about Respecting One's Uniqueness

‘This is my section…’ said my nephew while he made an invisible line with his finger ‘…and that’s yours…’ as he pointed to ‘my side’ of the bed
‘Ok, darling. I will try my best to only sleep on my side and not come into yours’ I said as I kissed him goodnight.
Aren’t kids just adorable?
His my-side-your-side invisible border reminded me of an email I received sometime ago about Oceanography- a study of earth’s ocean and sea.
In the email, it was said that in the southern part of Cape Town, South Africa, we could see two different rivers flowing together where one river is sweet and the other is salty. So, what is so special about them? These rivers were flowing together all the way to the ocean and miraculously; the two rivers did not even mix! These rivers continue to flow in that same state until both reached the sea. And we could still see from the sea the two different distinct characteristics of the two river!
About 1400 years ago, a verse was revealed to our beloved Prophet Muhammad (may Allaah’s blessings and peace be upon him). Allaah has said,
Is not He (better than your gods) Who has made the earth as a fixed abode, and has placed rivers in its midst, and has placed firm mountains therein, and has set a barrier between the two seas (of salt and sweet water).Is there any ilah (god) with Allah? Nay, but most of them know not. (Surah An-Naml 27: 61)
Allaah, the Al Mighty has said that He has created two seas which are situated side by side, next to one another, but they do not mixed as He has set a barrier between them.
SubhanAllaah, this is amazing, right?
Just look at the images below to get a better picture what I mean.

As I amazed myself with those beautiful images, I suddenly thought of a wish.
A wish that we human being, said to be the Best of creations, could learn from the sea barrier one lesson in life- lesson of respecting others' uniqueness.
Just look at how they ‘respected’ the boundaries that set them apart from one another- to each is their own unique characteristics. Still, they are able to move towards the ocean side by side, together, harmoniously!
As what Jackie Robinson said,
I'm not concerned with your liking or disliking me . . . All I ask is that you respect me as a human being.
She was right, dont you think?
You dont have to like me, you dont even have to love me, but, the least you could do is to learn to respect me as a human being that has equal right as you have to live in this beautiful world. I was born here too, you know, just like you...
I wondered - Why couldn’t we live that way? With mutual respect for one another’s identity and uniqueness; without forcing the other person to change and take after the characteristics we have? Why do i have to be like you in order to be accepted? Do you like it if i demanded that you become like me, so that i could accept you?

Why couldn't we let people just wear what they prefer to wear? Be it covering their hair, their faces and their bodies? Why do we have no respect for the preferences of another being?
I still am confused of why couldn't people simply celebrate the joy others have when eating their uncooked fish, or spicy curry, or hot chilly dish, or burger and chips, or their ‘upside-down’ dish; without thinking oddly of them?
Let us ask ourselves, did the sweet water look down on salt water, thinking it is better and worthier to rule the river? No, definitely, not, right? Why? Because sweet water knew very well that it needed to work together with the delicious salt water to make it to the ocean! Side by side...
The two seas have shown us that if we could respect one another’s distinctiveness and uniqueness, we could all flow together and be at somewhere, some place greater the sum of us- the ocean!
Think About It
Copyright © Sis Zabrina 2008
Sis Zabrina
Life Storyteller
Author of Life is an Open Secret www.lifeopensecret.com
-18 Inspirational Stories from Ordinary life experiences-
Now blogging at http://www.wisdomthruwords.blogspot.com
~ Life Storyteller Blog: Your Source for Islamic Motivational Stories and Inspirational Stories~
Tags : motivational stories, islamic stories, inspirational stories, spiritual stories, storyteller, muslim, islam, life is an open secret, motivational book, motivational quotes, short stories
Sis Zabrina, also known as Zabrina A. Bakar, is a Life Storyteller, motivational and inspirational writer and speaker; and author of Islamic motivational book Life is an Open Secret www.lifeopensecret.com. She maintains an active blog at www.wisdomthruwords.blogspot.com.
As Salaamu 'alaykum and peace to all,
The Story of Two Seas - A Motivational Story about Respecting One's Uniqueness

‘This is my section…’ said my nephew while he made an invisible line with his finger ‘…and that’s yours…’ as he pointed to ‘my side’ of the bed
‘Ok, darling. I will try my best to only sleep on my side and not come into yours’ I said as I kissed him goodnight.
Aren’t kids just adorable?
His my-side-your-side invisible border reminded me of an email I received sometime ago about Oceanography- a study of earth’s ocean and sea.
In the email, it was said that in the southern part of Cape Town, South Africa, we could see two different rivers flowing together where one river is sweet and the other is salty. So, what is so special about them? These rivers were flowing together all the way to the ocean and miraculously; the two rivers did not even mix! These rivers continue to flow in that same state until both reached the sea. And we could still see from the sea the two different distinct characteristics of the two river!
About 1400 years ago, a verse was revealed to our beloved Prophet Muhammad (may Allaah’s blessings and peace be upon him). Allaah has said,
Is not He (better than your gods) Who has made the earth as a fixed abode, and has placed rivers in its midst, and has placed firm mountains therein, and has set a barrier between the two seas (of salt and sweet water).Is there any ilah (god) with Allah? Nay, but most of them know not. (Surah An-Naml 27: 61)
Allaah, the Al Mighty has said that He has created two seas which are situated side by side, next to one another, but they do not mixed as He has set a barrier between them.
SubhanAllaah, this is amazing, right?
Just look at the images below to get a better picture what I mean.

As I amazed myself with those beautiful images, I suddenly thought of a wish.
A wish that we human being, said to be the Best of creations, could learn from the sea barrier one lesson in life- lesson of respecting others' uniqueness.
Just look at how they ‘respected’ the boundaries that set them apart from one another- to each is their own unique characteristics. Still, they are able to move towards the ocean side by side, together, harmoniously!
As what Jackie Robinson said,
I'm not concerned with your liking or disliking me . . . All I ask is that you respect me as a human being.
She was right, dont you think?
You dont have to like me, you dont even have to love me, but, the least you could do is to learn to respect me as a human being that has equal right as you have to live in this beautiful world. I was born here too, you know, just like you...
I wondered - Why couldn’t we live that way? With mutual respect for one another’s identity and uniqueness; without forcing the other person to change and take after the characteristics we have? Why do i have to be like you in order to be accepted? Do you like it if i demanded that you become like me, so that i could accept you?

Why couldn't we let people just wear what they prefer to wear? Be it covering their hair, their faces and their bodies? Why do we have no respect for the preferences of another being?
I still am confused of why couldn't people simply celebrate the joy others have when eating their uncooked fish, or spicy curry, or hot chilly dish, or burger and chips, or their ‘upside-down’ dish; without thinking oddly of them?
Let us ask ourselves, did the sweet water look down on salt water, thinking it is better and worthier to rule the river? No, definitely, not, right? Why? Because sweet water knew very well that it needed to work together with the delicious salt water to make it to the ocean! Side by side...
The two seas have shown us that if we could respect one another’s distinctiveness and uniqueness, we could all flow together and be at somewhere, some place greater the sum of us- the ocean!
Think About It
Copyright © Sis Zabrina 2008
Sis Zabrina
Life Storyteller
Author of Life is an Open Secret www.lifeopensecret.com
-18 Inspirational Stories from Ordinary life experiences-
Now blogging at http://www.wisdomthruwords.blogspot.com
~ Life Storyteller Blog: Your Source for Islamic Motivational Stories and Inspirational Stories~
Tags : motivational stories, islamic stories, inspirational stories, spiritual stories, storyteller, muslim, islam, life is an open secret, motivational book, motivational quotes, short stories
Sis Zabrina, also known as Zabrina A. Bakar, is a Life Storyteller, motivational and inspirational writer and speaker; and author of Islamic motivational book Life is an Open Secret www.lifeopensecret.com. She maintains an active blog at www.wisdomthruwords.blogspot.com.
I appreciate your storytelling ability.
Jazaky Allahu khairun
As Salaamu 'alaykum and peace to all,
Wa eyyaki inshaAllaah, dear anonymous.
May we all be able to live side by side, in love, in harmony, in kindness, in understanding, inshaAllaah.
Salaams and peace
Sis Zabrina
Again, as always. Thank you for the wonderful story.
It's true isn't it. If only people were more receptive of other people's way of life, ther world will be much a calmer place.
As Salaamu 'alaykum and peace to all,
Wa 'alaykum salaam sis Naziehah,
You are most welcome, alhamdulillaah.
I totally agree with you sis. If only we are able to appreciate the beauty of each other, the wonders of one another, it would be a great world to live it!
Love and Salaams
Sis Zabrina
Good Sis Zabrina,
Allah gave you ability and talent in writing. I love yr stories...
Use yr talent wisely for the sake of Islam.
May Allah bless us and shows, guides us to the right way.
Allah with you,
salam and thanks for the stories..:)
Good Sis Zabrina, Allah gave you the ability and talent in writing. I love your stories.
Use yr talent wisely for the sake of Islam...Allah with you. May Allah shows and guides us to the right way of life...Islam deenullah.
salam...May Allah bless us and all Muslims.
it is true, really true.
once my friend said to me, and he always saying that:
"if u need to be respect, u have to respect others".
i will always keep those words with me...
Sis, how true is your story, not even we have to respect others who are unique, we also have to appreciate the uniqueness of our spouse and children.
So we can live side by side in harmony...
Each and every one of us absolutely have something wonderful to share with the world, at least our LOVE for the mankind
As Salaamu 'alaykum and peace to all,
Dear t_msa, JazakAllaah khayran for your very kind feedback.
InshaAllaah, please pray for me too, that Allaah Guides me in using everything that He has blessed me with, in His Path, inshaAllaah..
And ameen to your prayers too..
Salaams and peace
Sis Zabrina
As Salaamu 'alaykum and peace to all,
As Salaamu 'alaykum Brother Zaki,
Your friend is right! Another saying is 'What goes around comes Around' as what i wrote in one of the chapters in Life is an Open Secret book...
Salaams and Peace
Sis Zabrina
As Salaamu 'alaykum and peace to all,
Dearest Sis 2uzulfa,
Absolutely! Understanding family members is crucial as this is the most basic unit of mankind!
And yes, i totally agree with you that each of us has something to offer to everyone, inshaAllaah. The trick is to find what they are :))
Salaams and Peace
Sis Zabrina