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As Salaamu ‘alaykum and peace to all,
The Story of Two Best Friends - A Motivational and Inspirational Story about Forgiveness

That day I spoke to a friend and she told me about how things had gone wrong between her and one of her close friends. The argument started off very simply- her friend disagreed with her choice of life partner.
And it has been years since they last spoke.
She knew that she was wrong to argue fiercely with her best friend who was just looking out for her at that time. She knew that she shouldn’t say half the things she said to her. She was wrong on that. But her worse regret was she never tried to amend what was broken and walked away from their friendship.
And now she truly missed her.
I remembered what Charles Caleb Colton said once,
True friendship is like sound health, the value of it is seldom known until it is lost
How many of us are blessed with close friends and best friends- the ones whom we knew loved us to the bits, the ones whom we knew would be there for us when we are in need, the ones who dared to give us the blatant truth when others preferred to zip their mouth and let us fall and the ones whom we knew would leak tears from their eyes if we were to leave the world before them?
To my friend, I reminded her of Allaah’s verse in His Holy Book,
The recompense for an evil is an evil like thereof, but whoever forgives and makes reconciliation, his reward is due from Allah. Verily, He likes not the Zalimun (oppressors) (Quran 42:40).
Yes, that is the only way to go- reconcile.
We are living a life that is too short to make enemies, to leave things unsaid and to have frictions with the people we love.
This was not what Prophet Muhammad (may Allaah’s peace and blessings be upon him) wanted us to do.

In fact, what our Prophet (pbuh) wanted us to do was this,
When a man loves his brother he should tell him that he loves him (Abu Dawud, Tirmidhi)
Tell the people you loved, that you loved them. Take this advice of our beloved Prophet who was sent down to guide us in our lives, who was sent to make our lives better and who only wanted good things for us in this life and hereafter.
Let me share with you a sad poem that depicts the reality of life many of us are facing entitled ‘Forgiving’ written by a wonderful sister and friend - Sister Linda Delgado, a Muslim author from United States of America.
What you said hurt me
I responded in anger
You meant to say you were sorry
You didn’t
I meant to forgive you
I didn’t.
What you did was so very wrong
I responded with harsh judgment
You meant to make amends
You didn’t
I meant to be more understanding
I wasn’t.
You meant to call or write
I waited hoping to hear from you
You got busy with life
You forgot
I meant to try again; to call or write
I didn’t.
You said, “I might try to change and do better.”
I said, “I won’t budge until I see your sorrow.”
You said, “There is always tomorrow.”
I said, “I will forgive on your tomorrow.
Our tomorrow never came
One of us died.
There is today.
Don’t hold on to yesterday.
Don’t count on tomorrow.
It may not come
You have today
Don’t let love and hope slip away.
(*Author Note--Allah is oft Forgiving and Merciful. We should aspire to do the same in our daily lives. Forgiving ©2007 Linda D. Delgado All Rights Reserved)
Ya Allaah….
This poem touched me in many ways. It has made me think about the things I left unsaid to the ones I loved with all my heart and to the ones I missed so much.

The phrase, Don’t count on tomorrow has made my heart stopped beating for a bit.
Do you feel it too, my friends?
So, let us pick up that phone book now and dial the phone number of people whom we have not spoken for years due to whatever reason.
Let us call them today and take heed to what Sister Linda has said,
Don’t let love and hope slip away.
Just don’t…
Linda D. Delgado is the author of 6 books, 4 of which are the Award winning Islamic Rose Books series at www.widad-lld.com. Also known to many by the name Widad, she is the owner-publisher of Muslim Writers Publishing at www.MuslimWritersPublishing.com. Widad is the Founder, past Director and current Financial Officer of Islamic Writers Alliance at www.islamicwritersalliance.net.
Widad’s primary focus in the world of writing and publishing is promotion of Islamic Fiction books at www.IslamicFictionBooks.com Widad is a Muslim revert of 8 years, University graduate, mother of 3 and grandmother of 8. She resides in Tempe, Arizona, USA
Copyright © Sis Zabrina 2008
Sis Zabrina
Life Storyteller
Author of Life is an Open Secret www.lifeopensecret.com
-18 Inspirational Stories from Ordinary life experiences-
Now blogging at http://www.wisdomthruwords.blogspot.com
~ Life Storyteller Blog: Your Source for Islamic Motivational and Inspirational Stories~
Tags : motivational stories, islamic stories, inspirational stories, spiritual stories, storyteller, muslim, islam, life is an open secret, motivational book, motivational quotes, short stories
Sis Zabrina, also known as Zabrina A. Bakar, is a Life Storyteller, motivational and inspirational writer and speaker; and author of Islamic motivational book Life is an Open Secret http://www.lifeopensecret.com. She maintains an active blog at http://www.wisdomthruwords.blogspot.com.
As Salaamu ‘alaykum and peace to all,
The Story of Two Best Friends - A Motivational and Inspirational Story about Forgiveness

That day I spoke to a friend and she told me about how things had gone wrong between her and one of her close friends. The argument started off very simply- her friend disagreed with her choice of life partner.
And it has been years since they last spoke.
She knew that she was wrong to argue fiercely with her best friend who was just looking out for her at that time. She knew that she shouldn’t say half the things she said to her. She was wrong on that. But her worse regret was she never tried to amend what was broken and walked away from their friendship.
And now she truly missed her.
I remembered what Charles Caleb Colton said once,
True friendship is like sound health, the value of it is seldom known until it is lost
How many of us are blessed with close friends and best friends- the ones whom we knew loved us to the bits, the ones whom we knew would be there for us when we are in need, the ones who dared to give us the blatant truth when others preferred to zip their mouth and let us fall and the ones whom we knew would leak tears from their eyes if we were to leave the world before them?
To my friend, I reminded her of Allaah’s verse in His Holy Book,
The recompense for an evil is an evil like thereof, but whoever forgives and makes reconciliation, his reward is due from Allah. Verily, He likes not the Zalimun (oppressors) (Quran 42:40).
Yes, that is the only way to go- reconcile.
We are living a life that is too short to make enemies, to leave things unsaid and to have frictions with the people we love.
This was not what Prophet Muhammad (may Allaah’s peace and blessings be upon him) wanted us to do.

In fact, what our Prophet (pbuh) wanted us to do was this,
When a man loves his brother he should tell him that he loves him (Abu Dawud, Tirmidhi)
Tell the people you loved, that you loved them. Take this advice of our beloved Prophet who was sent down to guide us in our lives, who was sent to make our lives better and who only wanted good things for us in this life and hereafter.
Let me share with you a sad poem that depicts the reality of life many of us are facing entitled ‘Forgiving’ written by a wonderful sister and friend - Sister Linda Delgado, a Muslim author from United States of America.
What you said hurt me
I responded in anger
You meant to say you were sorry
You didn’t
I meant to forgive you
I didn’t.
What you did was so very wrong
I responded with harsh judgment
You meant to make amends
You didn’t
I meant to be more understanding
I wasn’t.
You meant to call or write
I waited hoping to hear from you
You got busy with life
You forgot
I meant to try again; to call or write
I didn’t.
You said, “I might try to change and do better.”
I said, “I won’t budge until I see your sorrow.”
You said, “There is always tomorrow.”
I said, “I will forgive on your tomorrow.
Our tomorrow never came
One of us died.
There is today.
Don’t hold on to yesterday.
Don’t count on tomorrow.
It may not come
You have today
Don’t let love and hope slip away.
(*Author Note--Allah is oft Forgiving and Merciful. We should aspire to do the same in our daily lives. Forgiving ©2007 Linda D. Delgado All Rights Reserved)
Ya Allaah….
This poem touched me in many ways. It has made me think about the things I left unsaid to the ones I loved with all my heart and to the ones I missed so much.

The phrase, Don’t count on tomorrow has made my heart stopped beating for a bit.
Do you feel it too, my friends?
So, let us pick up that phone book now and dial the phone number of people whom we have not spoken for years due to whatever reason.
Let us call them today and take heed to what Sister Linda has said,
Don’t let love and hope slip away.
Just don’t…
Linda D. Delgado is the author of 6 books, 4 of which are the Award winning Islamic Rose Books series at www.widad-lld.com. Also known to many by the name Widad, she is the owner-publisher of Muslim Writers Publishing at www.MuslimWritersPublishing.com. Widad is the Founder, past Director and current Financial Officer of Islamic Writers Alliance at www.islamicwritersalliance.net.
Widad’s primary focus in the world of writing and publishing is promotion of Islamic Fiction books at www.IslamicFictionBooks.com Widad is a Muslim revert of 8 years, University graduate, mother of 3 and grandmother of 8. She resides in Tempe, Arizona, USA
Copyright © Sis Zabrina 2008
Sis Zabrina
Life Storyteller
Author of Life is an Open Secret www.lifeopensecret.com
-18 Inspirational Stories from Ordinary life experiences-
Now blogging at http://www.wisdomthruwords.blogspot.com
~ Life Storyteller Blog: Your Source for Islamic Motivational and Inspirational Stories~
Tags : motivational stories, islamic stories, inspirational stories, spiritual stories, storyteller, muslim, islam, life is an open secret, motivational book, motivational quotes, short stories
Sis Zabrina, also known as Zabrina A. Bakar, is a Life Storyteller, motivational and inspirational writer and speaker; and author of Islamic motivational book Life is an Open Secret http://www.lifeopensecret.com. She maintains an active blog at http://www.wisdomthruwords.blogspot.com.
Assalam Alaikum
Thank you for this inspiring lesson.
I would add that the more friends we lose the more it is hard to love. That is too much a price to pay.
The best friend is the one when we see him/her he/she reminds us of Allah...
As Salaamu 'alaykum and peace to all,
Dearest Sis Soumayyah,
JazakAllaah khayran for your reminder sis. You are right about having best friend that would remind us us Allaah. That would be a great blessings from Him, if we have one. Absolutely!
Hugs and Salaams
Sis Zabrina
As Salaamu 'alaykum
Dear Sis Zabrina,
Alhamdulillaah! Thanks for the story. One's friend reflects who one is! Live, love and forgive for the sake of Allaah...Honesty is always the best foundation in a friendship and that begins with one's relationship with Allaah. True honesty can be manifested in life when one has such with the Almighty One...wassalam.
Love & hugs,
As Salaamu 'alaykum and peace to all,
Salaams sis Emaani,
Great to see you hear! You are right about honesty being among the best foundations of a friendship. And at times, we are trapped in the name of honesty- if we tell, we would hurt them, and if we dont, we fear that they would be hurt in the future, Allaahu a'alaam
Wonder how do we go about solving this? Maybe a novel could give us the answer! *wink*
Love and Hugs
Sis Zabrina
As Salaamu 'alaykum and peace to all,
Dear Voice, I shall pray that you will get back your best friend sis, Ameen. It is true sometimes we hurt the people we love the most...
Love and Hugs
Sis Zabrina
i love this story. it reminds me of a situation where i fought with my friend. i thought it was the end of the friendship already but i apologized and i am thankful that we are still friends now...
hurmmm its nice that when we fight then we apologised but.....i've just had this experience couple of months ago with one of my buddies....we had a serious fight over a project and never talk to each other for quite a week!astaghfirullah.....i dont know what happened to me....then we become friends again....but things are not the same....both of us feel awkward whenever we talk to each other....i hate to admit it.but i just dont know what to do....deep inside i wish that 'if only i could turn back time'.....we could talk for hours about shah rukh khan again!things are really not the same.....not for me,and not for u....
As Salaamu 'alaykum and peace to all,
Salaam Brother Syaf, Yes, of course i remembered you, great to see you here! You did the right thing by saying that you are sorry to win a friend back and be the bigger person here! That person is blessed to have a friend like you!
Sis Zabrina
As Salaamu 'alaykum and peace to all,
Dear Anonymous, i understand how you feel. Sometimes, wound needed time to heal. Give your friendship the time and space it needed to amend itself, and inshaAllaah, pray to Him that you and your friend would be as before once again. Continue being there for your friend no matter how awkward it feels at first..
Sis Zabrina
jazakallah for the nice advice...i wont give up on this friendship!no matter how much she tends to avoid me sometimes,i'll pray to Allah may someday He will open her heart and we become good friends again!!!yeah best buddies!no pain,no gain right!i really miss u my dear suzai eventhough ur right in front of me....
As Salaamu 'alaykum and peace to all,
InshaAllaah sis, i shall pray for you. And yes, never give up on a friendship you treasure. Even if you cant talk the way you did like before, just be there for her. And Suzai, if you are reading this (taking my chances here), please find it in your heart for your friend because obviously, she is hurting right now and she misses you!
Hugs and salaam
Sis Zabrina
can i copy this lovely story and put it in my blog?i will put link to ur blog...i had argument with my bestfriend and it hurt me deeply..thinking of calling her and said i'm sorry but i dont have the guts..hope dat she'll read this story too and knowing dat i love her so much..thanks again wassalam
Sure you can put the story and the link on your blog. I pray that you relationship with your friend heals, ameen. It is hard to lose a friend, what more if she is your best friend forever!
Hugs and Salaams
Sis Zabrina