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This story was published at Islamnewsroom.com on 30th March 2007 .
Que Sera Sera - Your Motivational Story - The Story of Love, Hurt and Hope
As Salaamu 'alaykum and Peace to all,
High fever and flu with nose runny
Severe headache and painful tummy
Dry mouth with blisters throbbing
This was when you decided on sending
An accusing message to kill my physical being
To the world I kept on smiling
Clearly they didn’t know what I was facing
Within myself my mind is numbing
Despite the hot temperature I was feeling
My mind is determined to slowly go into freezing
Stab Bash Smash Whack Clobber Pierce and Slice
This is my heart and next to it- Saw another knife?
Here, take them both honey and do as you wish
Let it have one last bloody hemorrhage fiesta
My emotionless soul would pick it up, later
Then make an honorary deposit into the dumpster

Sandy put down her pen, feeling very bitter. Her heart was broken and she felt the whole world crumbled before her very eyes. Tears started to trickle down her fair white cheek as her hands slowly reached for her Kleenex.
Ya Allaah, this is too painful. Ya Allaah, help me, please, please, Ya Rabb, Ya Rabb. Mishan Allaah…

Her heart begged for help and strength from her Lord, The Most Loving, Al Wadood, as she started to sob uncontrollably. She cupped her face and let her painful emotion take control of herself.
Moments later, Sandy laid back against her chair and stared into the empty sky through her window.
Despite the sorrow she was going through, deep inside her, she knew one thing. She knew that her Lord says,
We do not impose on any self any more than it can stand. With Us there is a Book which speaks the truth. They will not be wronged. (Surat al-Mu'minun: 62)
I can go through this. I know I can. Allaah loves me. There are wisdoms behind this. I just don’t know them yet. I just don’t know them yet…
Sandy talked to herself. She knew the words of Allaah. She just had to remind herself about them. Allaah has said that He shall not test His servant more than she could bear. So, this must be bearable for her. It must be.
She remembered one of her favourite poet, Kahlil Gibran said,
Doubt is a pain too lonely to know that faith is his twin brother.
Kahlil was right. Doubt is too painful to bear. She could not live another moment in doubt. She must be positive. She must be strong. And remain strong.
Sandy knew this was her only remedy- Her unwinding faith to her Lord, trusting Him, His Plan, His Judgement wholeheartedly.
One verse popped into her heart. Her Lord has said this,
Say: "Nothing shall ever happen to us except what Allah has ordained for us. He is our Maula (Lord, Helper and Protector)." And in Allah let the believers put their trust.
( , At-Taubah, Chapter #9, Verse #51)
Of course! This is the Plan which Allaah has put in for her. And Allaah is the Perfect Planner. She knew that she must trust Him with His Plan because He is her Protector and Helper. She also knew that His plans will never harm her or any other creatures.

And that’s when she remembered singing with her mum this one song, Que Sera, Sera,.. what will be, WILL be.
And in Allaah, she put her trust because she knew, what will be, will be…
Copyright © Sis Zabrina 2007
6th March 2007
~Your Source of Islamic Motivational and Inspirational Stories~
Tags: motivational stories, islamic stories, inspirational stories, spiritual stories, storyteller, muslim, islam, life is an open secret, motivational book, motivational quotes, short stories
Que Sera Sera - Your Motivational Story - The Story of Love, Hurt and Hope
As Salaamu 'alaykum and Peace to all,
High fever and flu with nose runny
Severe headache and painful tummy
Dry mouth with blisters throbbing
This was when you decided on sending
An accusing message to kill my physical being
To the world I kept on smiling
Clearly they didn’t know what I was facing
Within myself my mind is numbing
Despite the hot temperature I was feeling
My mind is determined to slowly go into freezing
Stab Bash Smash Whack Clobber Pierce and Slice
This is my heart and next to it- Saw another knife?
Here, take them both honey and do as you wish
Let it have one last bloody hemorrhage fiesta
My emotionless soul would pick it up, later
Then make an honorary deposit into the dumpster

Sandy put down her pen, feeling very bitter. Her heart was broken and she felt the whole world crumbled before her very eyes. Tears started to trickle down her fair white cheek as her hands slowly reached for her Kleenex.
Ya Allaah, this is too painful. Ya Allaah, help me, please, please, Ya Rabb, Ya Rabb. Mishan Allaah…

Her heart begged for help and strength from her Lord, The Most Loving, Al Wadood, as she started to sob uncontrollably. She cupped her face and let her painful emotion take control of herself.
Moments later, Sandy laid back against her chair and stared into the empty sky through her window.
Despite the sorrow she was going through, deep inside her, she knew one thing. She knew that her Lord says,
We do not impose on any self any more than it can stand. With Us there is a Book which speaks the truth. They will not be wronged. (Surat al-Mu'minun: 62)
I can go through this. I know I can. Allaah loves me. There are wisdoms behind this. I just don’t know them yet. I just don’t know them yet…
Sandy talked to herself. She knew the words of Allaah. She just had to remind herself about them. Allaah has said that He shall not test His servant more than she could bear. So, this must be bearable for her. It must be.
She remembered one of her favourite poet, Kahlil Gibran said,
Doubt is a pain too lonely to know that faith is his twin brother.
Kahlil was right. Doubt is too painful to bear. She could not live another moment in doubt. She must be positive. She must be strong. And remain strong.
Sandy knew this was her only remedy- Her unwinding faith to her Lord, trusting Him, His Plan, His Judgement wholeheartedly.
One verse popped into her heart. Her Lord has said this,
Say: "Nothing shall ever happen to us except what Allah has ordained for us. He is our Maula (Lord, Helper and Protector)." And in Allah let the believers put their trust.
( , At-Taubah, Chapter #9, Verse #51)
Of course! This is the Plan which Allaah has put in for her. And Allaah is the Perfect Planner. She knew that she must trust Him with His Plan because He is her Protector and Helper. She also knew that His plans will never harm her or any other creatures.

And that’s when she remembered singing with her mum this one song, Que Sera, Sera,.. what will be, WILL be.
And in Allaah, she put her trust because she knew, what will be, will be…
Copyright © Sis Zabrina 2007
6th March 2007
~Your Source of Islamic Motivational and Inspirational Stories~
Tags: motivational stories, islamic stories, inspirational stories, spiritual stories, storyteller, muslim, islam, life is an open secret, motivational book, motivational quotes, short stories
Two words aww some,
Young reader
Asslam Alkyum,
Today I was upset about something and your story was the perfect remedy.
How true your words are, what will be, will be.
thanks for reminding me to trust Allah.
You publish good stories at the perfect times.
May allah reward you greatly,salaam
Young Reader
As Salaamu 'alaykum and Peace to all,
Dear Young reader,
Two words- JazakAllaah Kheyran! :))
- Most Welcome!
- Subhanallaah
- Alhamdulillaah
Lol, ok, may i say more?
I am glad you liked it young reader, its a true depiction of our life. Sometimes, we are drenched with rain, which may come with it thunder and storms; but sometimes we are pleasured with rainbow and a beautiful sunny sky. This is why life is so beautiful. So much uncertainty in the future, nothing is dull at all, right?
What we have to do is always know, no matter if it rain or shine, it was made that way for a reason- rain to water the plants and sun is to let is grow! Isnt that just wonderful? :))
Sis Zabrina
As Salaamu 'alaykum and Peace to all,
Subhanallaah, i am so glad that the story came at perfect timing for you. I just want you to consider something.
Actually, it is not my timing that was perfect. BUT, Allaah has answered your prayer and cry to Him, through the stories and HIS Timing was of course, perfect. HE knew what you needed.
Remember what He said my dear, ask Him and He will answer. And i am sure you did ask Him for His Help, and He had sent it to you! MashaAllaah, Subhanallaah. Allaahu Akbar.
Again, never despair of His Help and Love. Ever. Period. :))
Sis Zabrina
You are right, I did ask Allah for help, and he did answer.
Actually after I came home upset yesterday,many other things made me angrey on the inside, but what really made me angrey was the fact that the Internet was not working.
Than I asked Allah for patience, and a little while later it was fixed. Than I checked your blog right away which I have bookmarked, and your story filled me with hope.There is no need to be upset, Allah knows what is best for us and I accept his Jugdement. Salaam
Young Reader
P.S now I have a habit of checking your blog everytime I go on the computer.
As Salaamu 'alaykum and peace to all,
Dear Young Reader, What you faced was really very common in our everyday life. Small things sometimes tend to irritate us for no reason. but if we all do what you did, have patience, inshaAllaah, we will be able to react to any situation in a better way. You are indeed wise in your reaction, alhamdulillaah.
Sis Zabrina
p/s i also have to habit of expecting your feedback in my every post! *wink*
snice I just checked your blog again, i just want to say hi,sallam,
Young Reader
Reached you thru IslamOnline. Alhamdulillah. Very inspirtional.
Ya Haqq!
As Salaamu 'alaykum and peace to all,
Dear Young Reader,How are you? InshaAllaah, things are good and fine with you. I shall post a new story in two days' time, inshaAllaah. See you!
Sis Zabrina
As Salaamu 'alaykum and peace to all,
Dear Ku Keng, Alhamdulillaah you found my blog from there. InshaAllaah, enjoy reading the stories here and i look forward to more feedback from you in the near future. Salaam
Sis Zabrina
As Salaamu 'alaykum and peace to all,
Brother Irving, as always, its good to hear from you. InshaAllaah, my book is taking its shape beautifully. Going through the nitty gritty process.
I agree with you. Indeed, patience is very much one of the must-have virtue. See you soon! Salaam
Sis Zabrina
As Salaamu Alaykum
You know how you can see the same thing but in different ways when you look at it again after you haven't seen it for some time? Well I just reread your story, to see how i feel about it now, while i'm in a different mood.What you want to say is sinking in better than last time.I felt Sandy's emotion even stronger now, I also wonder what inspiered you to write this. keep up the good work sister, you have the power of words.
Young Reader
As Salaamu 'alaykum and peace to all,
Dear Young Reader,
SubhanAllaah, you are so right. Whenever i think i am done writing a story, i will keep it aside for a week or so. When i re-read, i would definitely see things differently. Beautiful method, i agree! :))
Do you know that i named my blog 'Power of Words?'or POW in short! MashaAllaah, i really love the power that words can potentially carry!
What inspire me to write Que Sera Sera was from the observation of my surroundings of the feeling of hurt and hope that i see around me. The beauty of being a human is that we are capable of being hurt and that shall make us realized how dependent we are to our Lord, and then, thru Him, we then are given a new feeling-a friend- Mr. Hope!, Alhamdulillah.
JazakAllaah Young Reader, it is always a pleasure to 'talk' to you and 'see' you here.
Sis Zabrina